
November 27, 2009

Rodimus (11-27-09)

Filed under: 15 shattered verse, TF365 — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 12:27 am

Transformer of the Day for November 27, 2009


-Faction: Autobot
Shattered Verse (2008 - Present)
-Function: Warrior
“To The Victor Go the Profits“
-Notable Toy: Botcon Exclusive (Hasbro, 2008)

Notes: Rodimus was one of the additonal add-ons available as part of the Shattered Glass storyline of Botcon 2008. The good news is that the-powers-that-be did a bang-up job of turning the eventual G1 hero into a selfish, power hungry seeker. The bad news is that Takara would use the same classics moulds (and would mirror Rodimus‘ colours) to create its exclusive, Wildrider, which kind of negates having both of them on the same shelf.

November 8, 2009

Heatwave (11-08-09)

Filed under: 11 universe, 15 shattered verse, TF365 — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 12:08 am

Transformer of the Day for November 8, 2009


-Faction: Decepticon
Shattered Verse (2008-Present)
-Function: Weapons / Systems Design
-Motto: “This is Quantum Hexi-crypto, Totally Unbreakable; I’ll need Three Minutes.“
-Notable Toy: Exclusive (Hasbro, 2009)

Notes: You will have to forgive me but I don’t know how to classify Heatwave. He’s clearly of two worlds, being part of the Universe line of toys that have been part of the Transformers Collectors’ Club official annual premium (and the leader of the group of combiners now certainly known as Nexus Prime). But he is also an officer from the Shattered Glass universe, a heroic Decepticon uniting two Autobots and two Decepticons who are all something more. Gotta say though, I personally would have preferred the solid colours of the prototype (as shown above) to the translucent colours of the actual release.

(Apologies and thanks to transformersclub.com for the toy pics.)

October 17, 2009

Megatron (10-17-09)

Filed under: 15 shattered verse, TF365 — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 1:17 am

Transformer of the Day for October 17, 2009


-Faction: Autobot
Shattered Verse (2008-Present)
-Function: Leader
“Peace will Come for all Cybertronians
-Notable Toy: Botcon Exclusive (Hasbro, 2008)

Notes: Not only is this a case of another perfect Botcon exclusive Megatron, but it’s a nice treat to find a North American, albeit limited, release of the smaller size Armada Megatron / Galvatron mold. But what makes this Megatron really stand out is how much his face, from sculpt to paint application, look like the early Marvel Comics renderings. That alone is worth any price.

September 23, 2009

Sideswipe (09-23-09)

Filed under: 15 shattered verse, TF365 — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 12:23 am

Transformer of the Day for September 23, 2009


-Faction: Autobot Decepticon
-Era: Shattered Verse (2008-Present)
-Function: Warrior
There is Only One Rule Now - Revenge
-Notable Toy: Botcon Exclusive (Hasbro, 2008)

Notes: No surprise really as to outcome of the repaint Drench wars. This Botcon exclusive Sideswipe was a means of releasing the fan-demanded Drench-coloured Armada Wheeljack, originally scheduled to be released as part of a 2004 Battle-in-a-Box offering. Although the opportunity to add his counterpart, Smokescreen to the mix was overlooked, Sideswipe is still a nicely-done addition to the Shattered Verse collection. Particularly using a figure that employs a sculpted crossed-out logo so prominently on its chest.

August 16, 2009

Ricochet (08-16-09)

Filed under: 15 shattered verse, TF365 — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 12:16 am

Transformer of the Day for August 16, 2009


-Faction: Autobot
-Era: Shattered Verse (2008-Present)

-Function: Bodyguard
Shoot First, Why Bother With Questions”
-Notable Toy: Botcon Exclusive (Hasbro, 2008)

Notes: Ricochet has the distinction of being the first repeat character in the current line of Botcon exclusives. He also makes good use of the new Shattered Verse Jazz head sculpt. Curious though, he is not an inverse of what has become his tradition, Stepper-esque, colours. While I like the inevitable colour choice, I think it would have been cool to see a gold version with black flames as well.

(Apologies and thanks to shmax.com for the toy pic.)

May 29, 2009

Dirge (05-29-09)

Filed under: 15 shattered verse, TF365, ideas — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 12:29 am

Transformer of the Day for May 29, 2009


-Faction: Autobot
-Era: Shattered Verse (2008 - Present)
-Function: Squadron Leader
-Motto: The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same
-Notable Toy: Transformers Club Exclusive (Hasbro, 2007)

Notes: While I would have preferred a golden conehead with blue wings, the heroic Dirge oddly harkins back to the Beast Wars II Thrust. Regardless, as one of my favourite, he had to make the list in this reiteration as well. And though it would be terrific if he were to come to life use using the Henkei Dirge mold, I’d be more than happy to see him as a recoloured Ramjet.

(Apologies and thanks to seibertron.com for the toy image.)

May 28, 2009

Downshift (05-28-09)

Filed under: 15 shattered verse, TF365, ideas — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 12:28 am

Transformer of the Day for May 28, 2009


-Faction: Decepticon
-Era: Shattered Verse (2008 - Present)
-Function: Scout
-Motto: “Never Lose the Element of Surprise
-Proposed Toy: Cybertron Crosswise (Hasbro, 2005)

Notes: Chalk it up to a surprise red shirt in the Transformers’ Collectors Club comic book, but Downshift has won me over. I love the blue and silver patterning of the character based on the classic Reflector component, Spyglass, even if he lasts mere seconds before becoming so much slag. And though the Transformers Collectors’ Club has made use of the Crosswise mold before, notably for Shattered Verse Jazz and Richochet, he could be easily recommissioned for Downshift.

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