
February 24, 2011

Collectible (02-23-11): Countdown

Filed under: Uncategorized — fairplaythings @ 12:56 pm

TRU Exclusive

February 23, 2011: 38th in a series
Toy Line: Transformers: Universe
Region, Year: North America, 2009
Essential Weblink: http://www.tfu.info/2009/Autobot/TFUCountdown/countdown.htm

Completist, Original, Value, Zing

Completist, Original, Value, Zing

The Rundown: Okay, this is probably where my rating system goes all out of wack, but I freakin’ love Countdown. I really have no rational explanation for it. I mean he’s just a repaint. And not even a Universe or Classics repaint either. No, Hasbro just took advantage of the four year old Cybertron Defense Red Alert chassie to put a special toy on the shelves of TRU USA (sadly, not in Canada, so thank you Teresa for scoring this one for me!) Anyway, suffice to say I’m showing the love for another micromaster, although I certainly wouldn’t turn down a remoulded head. Anyone? Anyone?

February 22, 2011

Collectible (02-22-2011): Stormcloud

Filed under: Uncategorized — fairplaythings @ 11:40 pm

Universe 2.0

February 22, 2011: 37th in a series
Toy Line: Transformers: Universe
Region, Year: North America, 2009
Essential Weblink: http://www.tfu.info/2008/Decepticon/TFUStormcloud/stormcloud.htm

Completist, Design, Zing

The Rundown: While Stormcloud is certainly a repaint of Powerglide, his release was not a special store exclusive. No, Stormcloud was just another toy on another toy shelf near you. His ties to Generation One are certainly micro, but he comes off as a decent repaint. A good use of an existing mould, even if it does seem strange that a villain would wear his unremoulded heart so seemingly on his sleeve chest.

February 21, 2011

Collectible (02-21-2011): Skyfall

Filed under: Uncategorized — fairplaythings @ 9:25 pm

Skyfall Skyjack
K-Mart Exclusive

February 21, 2011: 36th in a series
Toy Line: Transformers: Universe
Region, Year: North America, 2009
Essential Weblink: http://www.tfu.info/2009/Decepticon/TFUSkyfall/skyfall.htm

Completist, 0.5 Value, 0.5 Zing

The Rundown: We’re still doing a bit of transition here with the new rating system, so expect a picture update to come featuring my somewhat nifty graphics. I can already see that the graphical portion of this exercise is going to eat up an increased amount of time.

Anyway, Skyjack (renamed Skyfall for copyright purposes), what can I say about you? It’s nice to see a Generation 2 figure, even as a repaint. It’s nice to see the use of a classic Action Master name, even if you ended up as a Decepticon. It’s nice to see that some fans couldn’t wouldn’t leave well enough alone and gave you a proper head piece. And though I bought it, I’m not sure it was necessary because of the price (although they did a decent job with what they had). And leaves the question of what to do with the old head.

I don’t know if Skyjack is really necessary. Certainly a black Silverbolt mold looks cool, and sinister with the red accents. And certainly at the cost at which he was procured (which was under retail). But really, he’s a collector’s indulgence. So half points on the value and zing factor, and the obligatory completist point, makes for his lingering rating. He’d have done better with an official remolded head.

Additional Picture:

February 20, 2011

Collectible (02-19-2011 & 02-20-2011): Indulgence (DCUC Wave 16 + Transformers: Reveal the Shield, etc.)

Filed under: Uncategorized — fairplaythings @ 11:01 pm

We have a lot to get to make up for the weekend. Easiest way forward I think is to break the two allocations of toys into their respective groupings, with summaries of each toy within said summary below the heading. Like so (with pictures to follow in the next few days with apologies)…

DC Universe Collection: Wave 16
Build-A-Figure Bane Wave

February 19, 2011: 20th through 26th in a series
Toy Line: Mattel DCUC
Region, Year: North America, 2010
Essential Weblink: http://www.dcuc.info/category/wave_16/

The Rundown: First, a bit of background on the DCUC line. As you likely know, the line is the creative output of the Four Horseman, one that often re-utilizes standard body types to keep costs down. The cannibalization of existing moulds has the advantage of keeping the toys looking like they come from a unified assortment or universe. The downside of course is that you are basically getting a number of moderately altered repaints. This is much more noticeable in earlier assortments (which I hope to get to eventually), but, for DCUC Wave 16, it really seems to be primarily focused on the Riddler and marginally the Creeper. Usually, I would say this was a cop-out and deduct mental points to how I see the figure, but I am a sucker for consistency of scale, so it’s not a bad thing for me.

Jonah Hex: Because I’ve opted to describe figures in their lot assortment order, Hex goes first, a new sculpt with a rubbery shotgun and pistol. Good points for having holsters on his back (shotgun) and hip (pistol) for his accessories, although would it be too much to have solid plastic weapons? Hex has the best paint application of the line in terms of the cool colour pattern on his jeans that is not simply a solid and gives the figure a real world look. Is Hex a character I was chomping for? Not really, but when I saw him I still had to have him. If he’d been a favourite character, he’d be a sell out for sure. Nice job!

(for Completist, Design, Value, Zing)

The Creeper: Oh to go from highs to lows. The Creeper is neither a character I was chomping for, nor is he a particularly interesting rendition. Honestly, I think both the Batman: The Animated Series and (very recent) DC Direct versions are superior. The latter is highly problematic because, frankly, the History of the DC Universe line from DC Direct (from which their Creeper comes) is not a terrible fit for DCUC scale. So unless you love the Creeper, or (like me) you wanted the Bane bits, keep on creeping.

(for Completist)

The Ridder: Given the Riddler is essentially a repaint of the standard base figure with a remodified Wave 5 head (or possibly just without the hat - I cannot actually remember if the hat came off or not) and cane, he really has no right to rank high. In fact, even though the Riddler is not among this toy addict’s favourite characters, I really should be more than happy with the Wave 5 version. But who can not love a Riddler suit that heralds back to the days of Frank Gorshin. He’s simple, beautiful, and mine.
(for Completist, Design, Zing)

Robin: Robin is the variant of the assortment, and a strange one at that since difference between angry Robin and happy Robin (and I am presuming this is Jason Todd versus Dick Grayson) are not significant. Honestly, what I wanted was something like what they did with Starman in Wave 15 and give us a radically different rendering. Like Earth Two Robin or at least the Tim Drake version. I’m not a Batguy generally, and not even the completist in me saw enough value in getting a second of the red and green bird. Otherwise, I’m mostly okay with Robin himself. What I don’t like is, like Hawkgirl, Mattel has given him no place to store what are mostly useless accessories (so he always has to hold them). And, quality wise, my Robin has a stain of some sort on his upper left leg.

(for Completist, Design, Zing)

Mercury: I never knew how much I loved the Metal Men until DCUC (and Batman: Brave and the Bold) started releasing figures of them. I love my Iron and now I love my Mercury. This would be (and should be) a perfect toy for me, right down to the interchangeable hands and sister form THAT ACTUALLY OPEN AND CLOSE. Except that the quality of the plastic and size of the legs are such that my poor Mercury’s right leg is mishaped by the packaging experience. So close, DCUC, so close!

(for Completist, Original, Design, Zing)

Azrael Batman: Here’s another reiteration I was looking forward to. Even though I have the old DC Direct version, I love what is essentially a significant variation of that toy and a totally brand new mould for DCUC to boot. And if it wasn’t for the fact that my black bat emblem was only partially coloured, he would be a sell out for sure. Really it just means I have to redouble my attention to packaging details. Also, can I say again how bad it was that the variant was Robin? It should have been a pre-Batman version of Azrael! Just saying!

(for Completist, Original, Design, Zing)

Bane: Bane’s a free figure in the sense that I didn’t have to pay anything extra for him. But given the less than stellar review of the Creeper, he was at least the $20 it cost me for the Creeper to complete his body. So there is a cost to him after all. And there is an expectation here, even if Bane is not a key or unique character for me. In fact, other than the likely explanation that DCUC is running out of big characters to rendering the collect-and-connect format, I was puzzled as to why he was the build-a-figure because his size should not be much more than those of other characters, muscles aside. And sadly i am disappointed. He’s a decent figure with a head that seems too small for his body. And pretty ordinary. Maybe the Creeper wasn’t worth it after all…

(for Completist)

Transformers: Reveal the Shield and Revenge of the Fallen

February 19, 2011: 27th through 35h in a series
Toy Line: Transformers: Generations, Revenge of the Fallen
Region, Year: North America, 2009 and 2010

The Rundown: So new Generations characters are finally making it to retail, just as the better part of Revenge of the Fallen are arriving as well. So it looks like we’ll have a few good months of Transformers before we go into a number of reiterations of Dark of the Moon characters.

Perceptor: Let’s start this party with a bang! In Perceptor, we finally get the notable Autobot scientist, but we get a glimmer, in his alt mode, of what could have been if Transformers: Animated had been allowed to continue. The only thing that could have made this character better is a slightly modified face (the prototype looks much nicer than the rendering I received) and some crazy snipper rifle as found in IDW’s reimagination of the character (but then there’s Drift’s for that). However, that the mould is getting re-purposed as Reflector (based on what we’ve seen at Botcon 2010 and fingers firmly crossed), Perceptor is all win.

(for Completist, Original, Design, Value, Zing)

Dirge: Dirge is a tough one for me because he’s one of my favourite Transformers. Such that I actually grabbed the limited Henkei release with the crazy wing colours (and which I actually quite love, even if they are not show-accurate). And of course I have the “will the controversy ever end?” Botcon 2007 edition, with its show accurate repaint but Ramjet wings. So I didn’t really need him. And in fact he and Thrust cause troubles because I now have three of each of them and only two Ramjets to go with them. What to do, what to do. Anyway, he’s here, I’m happy with him, I don’t hate Botcon forever for putting him out first, and I am very happy to have unloaded my extra earlier on.

(for Completist, Design, Zing)

Bumbebee: Confession: I love Bumblebee. When I stopped collecting Transformers I was still collecting Bumblebee. And yet do I really need a third rendering of the same cast of the character (after the orignal North American classics and the clean Henkei version), particularly one that is not far off the Wal-Mart Legacy of Bumblebee three pack which I have (thus far) avoided? Probably not, but I bought him anyway. Completist. That said, if Hasbro or Takara-Tomy would redo the deluxe Cliffjumper with a new head and accessory, all would be forgiven.

(for Completist, Design)

Tracks: Before saying that Tracks is pure win (and he is pure win!), I want to say that he was so much easier to transform than his Alternator cousin. Wow, those toys are tough. Of the flight mode, all you can really say is keep trying Hasbro. And the paint applications for the Henkei version will be really interesting I suspect. And his head makes him resemble DC’s Knight character (the British Batman you know). But still? Pure win!

(for Completist, Original, Design, Value, Zing)

Scourge: Scourge should be a winner. I mean we finally get an official new mould release that is in scale with Galvatron and Cyclonus. And yet I still think I’m better off with the Titanium and Botcon releases. I love the face sculpt but I hate the jet mould. Also hurting Scourge is his weapon. While Cyclonus got a targetmaster, Scourge’s weapon is merely collapsible. Would it have been so terrible to include Fracus? The gun even looks like he should transform which only compounds the disappointment. And he can’t even wear the gun in jet mode! That said, credit where credit is due, his arm transformation is pretty genius. Still, it should be easy enough to round out a set of Sweeps for him…

(for Completist, Design, Value)

Optimus Prime (Generation Two): The Generation 2 version of Optimus Prime is an interesting choice. Interesting because it is nice to see a new idea come to mind, and also because the G2 look is very reminiscent of the Movie look. And Prime gets a sword this way. I like this toy a lot but it has to take a hit in one place, which is the face. I just don’t like the head mold. Otherwise, it’s a good call. I can’t wait for the fan community to reproduce a trailer.

(for Completist, Original, Value, Zing)

And now onto the Movie toys…

Axer: I am pleased as punch anytime an original Action Master figure is turned into a transforming figure. And I love how Hasbro redesigned Transformers: Animated Lockdown to fit into the Movie-verse (and by extension Generations line). So a reissue of the same mold, with a new weapon and head, is just fine with me. I really like how when I transform him, the gold part of his upper legs actually turn, that they are actually independent pieces of plastic as oppose to paint applications (let’s hope the toy doesn’t suffer from gold plastic syndrome…). And I love the light-up eyes. So win!

(for Completist, Original, Design, Zing)

Smokescreen: Okay, I admit it. I only bought Smokescreen because he was priced at $10 and I liked the repaint, even it I was not all that fond of the Jazz mold the first time around (hate those arms!) But what is really terrible is that Hasbro did Smokescreen, from a different Jazz (Fast Action Battler), in very close to G1 colours, and he looks way better than this. But the biggest problem with this version? I managed to break his right arm first transformation. Yup! Get out the crazy glue, we have a winner. Stupid arms…

(for Completist, Zing)

Rescue Ratchet: For the first Movie, Hasbro did a number of exclusives based on classic Generation One colours. So I’m not all that surprised they decided to do it again with the new Deluxe scale Ratchet. And you know, I really like it. I want to get a second one and swap out the head with a Universe Ratchet and see the results. Anyway, he is a toy I was excited about, so not a bad way to end this epic list.

(for Completist, Design, Zing)

Slow day!

Filed under: Uncategorized — fairplaythings @ 6:58 pm

Collectibles are being delayed due to a busy schedule. At 1604 words and counting it’s a big upload. They’ll be here soon, I promise!

Finding value the fairplaythings way

Filed under: Collectible of the Day — fairplaythings @ 1:53 am

As promised just a few short hours ago, I’m taking this moment to unveil fairplaythings.com own toy rating system.

Basically a five star system, I thought I’d try something slightly different by describing toys in terms of how we find them on toy shelves. Of course, the description is based on how well a toy sells itself to me, rather than how it sells in reality, but it’s a simple distinction.

But it is so easy to simply say a toy is a sell out versus a lingering toy (the name used for this rating is actually a homage to a choice book called, Linger Awhile, by Russell Hoban - it’s a tale of ageless love, dead stars, celluloid, and vampires recommended). What we want to do as well as give a bit of context to the ratings. Not just a toy is one thing and not another, but how and why this is the case.

Forgive the overlap that may ensue…

Five Criteria for Critiques

  • Completist - Is this a character that I feel I need to complete a line? - I figure if you are on the Collectible list as a toy, you are there with one point. That lowly point is probably based on something as rudimentary as my completist, gotta catch ‘em all mentality. So here’s to the underachieving toy.
  • Original - Is it a character I want? - Of course there is going to be a Batman or an Optimus Prime on the shelf. The question is whether it sings, or an example of a toy design team asleep at the switch. This is where cool rendering or a never produced figure will have an advantage.
  • Design - Is it a cool rendering of the character or toy? - Design is intended to be serve as an overarching concepts. How is the toy conceptualized? Is it fresh or does it feel like a lot of other toys on the shelf? Is it a flawless execution or are there glitches? Does it get you excited to see how far along toys have advanced or is the same old same old? This is where a toy will lose points if it is a simple repaint without any extras and gain points for innovation.
  • Value - Is the toy worth the price? - Tired of toys that are statues and not toys? Toys that fall apart when you look at them? Articulation. Accessories. But also the feeling that this is a toy worth having. This is where factors like these will come into play.
  • Zing! - It don’t mean a think if it doesn’t make me sing! - Some toys have good design, are original, and represent good play value. And they sit on the toy shelf in my mind. But to move to the front of the shopping cart, the best of the best have a special X-factor. Something meaningful to me. It could be giving more weight to the use of an obscure character or a clever design, but it’s something. And it’s here.

Now I don’t intend to do a checklist for each toy coming up, saying how it ranks on design, originality, play value, and the x-factor. I have neither the time nor the inclination. I plan to continue to talk about the collectibles I have as they are - all the strange and wonderful tales that I’ve bound up about each one. Sometimes the toys speak to me; sometimes they simply satisfy the completist in me. The ratings will hopefully help me express how I feel about them.

But I still love them, because they’re mine.

February 19, 2011

Collecting on the weekend

Filed under: Collectible of the Day — fairplaythings @ 11:46 pm

You may be surprised to learn that, among many toy grievances for the Canadian collector (multilingual packaging, amateur packaging to accommodate multiple languages, pricing, variety, absence of U.S. exclusives among them), a big one is the simple delay in time between the release of a toy in the United States and its subsequent release in Canada.

Or maybe that is just Ottawa. Sometimes it is hard to tell if shipping to Toronto is better or more consistent.

Suffice to say, it can take a long time for those unwilling to import everything from bigbadtoystore to get the latest goods. I cannot imagine how bad it would be if there weren’t comic book stores like the Silver Snail that is really good about getting in some of my favourite toy lines, like DCUC (on U.S. cards to boot), on a regular basis.

Because they certainly haven’t been showing up at TRU in any regularity.

Anyway, back to my rolling beef about toy shelves. Because of the situation, it becomes impossible to review toys in any timely fashion. My god, poeghostal did a run through of DCUC Wave 16 back on December 4th; Siebertron.com similarly was posting sightings of the Turbo Tracks wave of Transformers: Reveal the Shield in late November.

So here we are in the middle of February. And finally some availability of product and the necessary funds to go forward. So rather than continue with the many Universe 2.0 stories planned for over the weekend, I’ve decided to try something different. Tomorrow (February 20) is going to be a massive review of all the toys picked up on Thursday from TRU and the Silver Snail, essentially DCUC Wave 16 and a number of Movie and Generations Transformers.

More importantly, I’m going to unveil my own rating system. That’s right, I’m going to make a system that tells you what I think of my toys! Does it mean a poor ranking will force the toy to live elsewhere? Probably not, so it makes sense for my personal rating system to reflect this reality. With no disrespect to our American cousins, I’m going to base my rating system on a reversed security threat assessment, in which even the green (or now red) means something.

Consider it an early warning system for your pocket book. Watch for it. Soon!

February 18, 2011

Collectible (02-18-2011): Powerglide

Filed under: Collectible of the Day - Transformers — fairplaythings @ 12:15 am

K-Mart Exclusive

February 18, 2011: 19th in a series
Toy Line: Transformers: Universe
Region, Year: North America, 2009
Essential Weblink: http://www.tfu.info/2009/Autobot/TFUPowerglide/powerglide.htm

The Rundown: Having talked about the mistakes made with Powerglide v2.0, let’s move right into Powerglide v2.1. Part of the K-Mart exclusive wave, this is Powerglide done right. In proper colours. It’s a no-brainer to add to one’s collection, particularly when you look at the price point at which it could sometimes be found (thanks Teresa!).

Interestingly enough, I also have Powerglide v2.2, the Takara-Tomy release. It’s a little more red and a little less grey. Honestly, I kind of like the K-Mart edition better, even if Takara-Tomy’s is a more accurate rendering. One of these days (and hopefully soon), I’ll pop one out of their package, and put the other one up for sale. Hopefully.

Additional Pictures:

February 17, 2011

Collectible (02-17-2011): Hardhead

Filed under: Collectible of the Day - Transformers — fairplaythings @ 12:15 am

K-Mart Exclusive

February 17, 2011: 18th in a series
Toy Line: Transformers: Universe
Region, Year: North America, 2009
Essential Weblink: http://www.tfu.info/2009/Autobot/TFUHardhead/hardhead.htm

The Rundown: Other than the head, Hardhead is a perfect rendering of how the character appeared in the IDW comics. Or at least as perfect as one can make without retoolings. But leave it to fanboys and girls to improve on a good toy, with the Hardhead add-on accessory pack, widely available. While I don’t yet have mine, I still plan to pick it up, swap out the old head for the new, and go from there. No wonder Hasbro has started to mold secondary heads with all its new releases.

February 16, 2011

eBay Customer Service: What Customer Service?

Filed under: Uncategorized — fairplaythings @ 10:38 pm

I’ve been a member of eBay since December 11, 1997. I haven’t always been happy with the company in the 13+ years since then - the escalating listing prices, the co-mingling of eBay with PayPal (and subsequent cash grabs), the functionality - but I’ve stayed loyal because they are the biggest game in town. And I find good stuff on eBay, items I would not find elsewhere. And I am a good customer - 100% positive results, long time member, and one who both buys and sells.

But I have never endured the level of frustration like I’ve endured tonight.

You see, for about the last week or so, I’ve been unable to pay for items won directly through eBay. It’s a mystery why. I can bid on the item, win the item, and receive an invoice from the seller. But when I click on the little “pay now” icon, in either the invoice or on eBay itself, I get an error message and politely told to try back in a few minutes. This has happened pretty much every day for the last week.

So I tried to do what most people do. Find a way to contact eBay by email to alert them of the problem and find out when and how they intend to fix it. However, this is not the eBay of old. The customer support function takes you through a standard Frequently Asked Question. Anything more technical, they have no answer. And, most helpful of all, they have seemingly done away with any electronic contact point with a service representative. One’s options are an automated help desk (which is not very helpful) and a telephone number.

The telephone number is not toll free.

Now to this point, I have been basically taking matters into my own hands. Assuming a momentary glitch that has to clear up at some point, I have been tracking down the contact information of the sellers and emailing them, through eBay, asking them to send me an invoice directly through PayPal. (PayPal I must add manages to work just fine through all this, and, even though they are the same company, I believe they still have an electronic contact information point.) Because there are time limits involved. But this is not a simple thing, because eBay locks down its information (on the surface to ensure the privacy of its clients, but in reality I believe to prevent under-the-table trades for which they can’t claim their insertion fee and whatever percentage they charge on the value of the sale). When you click on the seller’s name and select the contact function, you are taken to a list of not-helpful questions and a promise that eBay will follow-up. There is no contact point available through the auction page in question.

Basically you have to trick eBay into allowing you to contact the seller. I’ve been doing this by clicking on their numeric rating system, and selecting contact under the quick list function. At the next screen, I’ve been clicking the box that says “this is not about an item” (because if I say it is about an item, eBay automated takes over, and I am returned to the not-helpful question page.

So while I can facilitate the exchange it takes some ingenuity. And it takes time. Because I have to wait for (and hope that) the seller will grant my request and send a PayPal invoice. So I’m basically looking at a day’s wait for what should be a five minute exercise, one for which eBay is charging the seller to accomplish!

So tonight, it was after 6:00 and I decided to call eBay so that my account could go back to working the way it was intended to work. And thus came the frustration.

After sitting on hold for 12 minutes (on my dime, I remind you), I got a representative on the phone. I explained the problem. Yes, I’ve bought and won the items, I tell him. Yes this has been going on for a number of days. And it would be a lot easier on everyone if eBay just let me send them an email. (Since they seem to have no trouble contact me for every sale or event they have, I know they are capable of electronic communication.) After the rep “gets the problem” and having returned from leaving me on hold, he informs me that the problem has been flagged before. Apparently it was flagged as “fixed” on February 11 (truth be told this is probably when the problem actually started for me). He told me they would flag it again to examine the issue and, in the meantime, I could contact sellers directly for an invoice.

And this is the point where things went south.

I asked how long before the situation was resolved. He assured me 48 - 72 hours. I then asked for an email contact point through which I could continue to follow-up, because I had no intention of running up more long distance charges if things did not get finished. HE COULD NOT GIVE ME SUCH INFORMATION. Worse than that, he actually TRIED to give me such information, beginning to walk me through the customer support function, only to find that it was a dead end, and promptly stopped.

Okay I said, why don’t you send me an email through eBay and we can communicate that way. “I can’t do that,” he said. I think at this point is where I lost my already fragile cool. The following was said in no particular order:

  • eBay is a multi-billion dollar business (value: approximately US$40 billion)
  • you have a major glitch in your system and have not been able to fix it
  • you have no way for me to contact you directly by email (although you once did) and, seemingly, no way to contact me through email (though, as noted, they do and are just not willing to use that function)
  • I should contact the sellers directly to make alternate arrangements, despite the difficulty this imposes and the fact that this is a service for which the seller is paying money to you to undertake

There were two other points that came out of this conversation. The first was his belief that it was EASY (to say nothing of proper) for me to contact the seller directly to make alternate arrangements. The analogy I used on the phone is that it is like walking into a store and being told I cannot pay with credit card because there is not a machine in the store. Yes, the item can be purchased, but it requires finding cash or walking across the street in the hopes of finding a bank machine. It may not be easy and it is certainly not convenient.

The second was his complete unwillingness to let me speak to a manager. “Why do you want to speak to a manager,” he asked. Are you freakin’ kidding me? My response was literally “I don’t need a reason,” which is true. I have gotten nowhere with you, and I have asked for your supervisor. And still he refused.

So where am I, beside profanity-ridden exchanges halfway across the continent and threats of leaving eBay and telling my friends to do the same? Not very far, really. I have no assurance my account will ever work. I have no way to follow-up other than to call back (at my expense). I’ve probably been red flagged for calling in the first place at this point. But I have the Internet. And I can tell my story. On Facebook and blogs and websites. And hopefully on their customer feedback site.

Because it really isn’t too much to ask for a simple email address and one’s account to work properly. It’s what I am paying for after all.

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