Tigatron (04-23-09)
Transformer of the Day for April 23, 2009
-Faction: Maximal
-Era: Beast Wars (1996-1998)
-Function: Reconnaissance
-Motto: “Let The Trails Lead Where They May, I WIll Follow”
-Notable Toy: 10th Anniversary (Takara, 2006)
Notes: Tigatron is one cool cat. I was filled with such regret when he was killed off with Airrazor, and then again when his reformatted Tigerhawk form also fell in battle. And he’s a perfect example of Takara’s dedication. Having already produced the superior white (rather than yellow) original version, they then reissue him in a more perfect form.
(Apologies and thanks to shmax.com and bbts.com for the toy images.)