
January 30, 2011

Next time, on fairplaythings.com

Filed under: Uncategorized — fairplaythings @ 3:04 am

Tap, tap. Anyone there?

I know, I know. Fairplaythings.com has been very, very quiet for the past few months. Odd considering the recent trip to Japan that screams good blogging. And yet, silence.

No really good excuse. I’ve clearly been preoccupied. With the aforementioned trip, with work, with holidays, and, more recently, with the prospects of a move. To a bigger locale to better display my plastic friends (as well as provide for additional living space, a second bathroom, and all the normal reasons one moves.) It has meant a lot of minor fixes in the current space, and even more packing in advance of a possible home showing TBD.

Which means the plastic is being painstakingly packaged away to make proper space for staging.

The packing of the toys is both a joy and a sorrow. A joy because it provides me a chance to really see what I have, and finally properly catalog the collection. A sorrow because moving means giving up what has been a home for seven years.

But did I mention cataloging? Yes, I did. And it dawns on me that maybe, just maybe, I can use the cataloging as a means of filling the void left in fairplayings. More specifically, maybe it is a way to return to Collectible of the Week, version 2.0. Except this time, how about a Collectible of the Day? Yes. We’re going back to a daily ritual again. A quick and dirty daily ritual admittedly, because as I am fond of saying but find difficult following, “perfect is the enemy of good”. Basically I will click one or two pictures of a particular item and come up with some content (why it’s in the collection, why it is being spotlighted, that sort of thing). But regular content (again!) and an ongoing format.

Something to fill the void.

1 Comment »

  1. I look forward to your blog posts about Japan! Good luck with your house search - you need space for plastic crack, I need a decent kitchen and space for a tiny, bossy bunny :)

    see you soon!

    Rach & Daisy the supermodel bunny extraordinaire

    Comment by Rachel — January 30, 2011 @ 3:07 pm

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