Collectible (02-04-2011): Megatron
Collectible of the Day for February 4, 2011
(Fifth in a series)
10th Anniversary
Toy Line: Transformers (Beast Wars)
Region, Year: North America, 2006
Essential Weblink:
The Rundown: This is the trouble with running the counterpart to the character profiled just a day previous. I’ve said pretty much everything I had to say in the first post and now I have to come up with something new. But in the case of Hasbro’s 10th Anniversary Megatron, I think I have a bit left in the tank. See, unlike Optimus Primal, this rendering of Megatron does not pull from different seasons. He’s full on Season One. And he looks so very strange next to Dinobot.
Really, that’s all I got. He’s slightly different and differently strange. But an oddity like him still deserves some facetime.