
February 8, 2011

Collectible (02-08-2011): Dinobot

Filed under: Collectible of the Day - Transformers — fairplaythings @ 1:52 am

10th Anniversary Edition

February 8, 2011: Ninth in a series
Toy Line: Transformers (Beast Wars)
Region, Year: North America, 2006
Essential Weblink: http://www.tfu.info/2006/Maximal/Dinobot/dinobot.htm

The Rundown: The 10th Anniversary Beast Wars series from Hasbro seemed to come out of the blue for me. It was quite the surprise to find six popular characters from what was to that time the best Transformers cartoon going showing up on shelves everywhere. Each figure came with a DVD featuring a particular episode and one part of the never-before-produced Transmutate.

Transformers going the way of build-a-figure. Something else I never thought I’d see.

Overall it was a terrific effort to take advantage of a pre-existing toy mould to bring product to toy shelves, one that resonated with many fans. Even better, Hasbro actually went back and colour-corrected (for the most part) the characters so they more closely resembled the show. While nonetheless lacking some of the specific colours in robot mode, Dinobot looks terrific in his dinosaur form (albeit with the maximal logo stamped on his person in a way never visible in the cartoon). But what really makes the case here is the simple choice of episodes to accompany Dinobot: Code of Hero. Possibly the best of the series, it was a coda to one of the most interesting characters, and makes the case to own this character. Again.

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