Collectible (02-23-11): Countdown
TRU Exclusive
February 23, 2011: 38th in a series
Toy Line: Transformers: Universe
Region, Year: North America, 2009
Essential Weblink:
The Rundown: Okay, this is probably where my rating system goes all out of wack, but I freakin’ love Countdown. I really have no rational explanation for it. I mean he’s just a repaint. And not even a Universe or Classics repaint either. No, Hasbro just took advantage of the four year old Cybertron Defense Red Alert chassie to put a special toy on the shelves of TRU USA (sadly, not in Canada, so thank you Teresa for scoring this one for me!) Anyway, suffice to say I’m showing the love for another micromaster, although I certainly wouldn’t turn down a remoulded head. Anyone? Anyone?
[...] then draws my attention ON HER OWN to six little Micromasters sitting on her table. Including Countdown. Who I love. Who I don’t have. And then she says, she’ll let them go for [...]
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