
March 7, 2009

Colossus / Clench (03-07-09)

Filed under: 02 generation one plus, TF365 — Tags: — fairplaythings @ 12:07 am

Transformer of the Day for March 7, 2009


-Faction: Decepticon (Obliterator)
-Era: Generation One Plus (1991-1992)
-Function: Leader
-Motto: “I Will Not Rest Until the Last Autobot is Crushed and the Decepticons Rule”

-Notable Toy: European Exclusive (Hasbro, 1993)

Notes:Like Pyro, I don’t think it is fair to label Colossus as either Generation 1 or Generation 2. He transforms and therefore has no Action Master links, yet he doesn’t resemble the G1 repaints that constituted so much of the first year of G2. He is clearly a transitional toy, a member of a two year collection of which all or parts limited release in Europe, Australia and even in Canada. A pleasure for any collection.*

* Personal note: I am particularly fond of the Gen one-and-a-halfs, as I call them. Granted, we only received the first wave of toys - Thunderclash, Skyquake, Rotorstorm, Stalker, and the smaller Predators and Turbomasters that hit Canadian shelves - but it still a thrill to find the body of a Rotorstorm at a yard sale, knowing full well that this is a transformer not released in the United States. The second wave, that includes the likes of Pyro and Colossus, are harder to find, which makes me particularly proud to have managed to acquire G2 MIB versions of both characters from the Hartmans in 2006. Unlike so many Transformers, they both sit proudly on shelves, though I must occasionally resist the urge to free them from their cardboard homes.

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