Force Commander (Prince Argon of Homeworld)

Force Commander (Prince Argon) - front viewForce Commander (Prince Argon) - front viewForce Commander (Prince Argon) - side viewForce Commander (Prince Argon) - back view

Force Commander (Prince Argon) - side view














Name: Force Commander (Prince Argon of Homeworld)
Origin Date: (Toy) 1977, (Comic) 1979
Completed Date: 09/2008
Base Figure: 4" White Munny

After Karza, number two could only be poor doomed Prince Argon, who fought Karza as Force Commander, was merged with his horse Oberon, and eventually possessed entirely by his dark nemesis.

Admittedly a relatively easy figure to undertake, the trick with Argon was to figure out what to do with the piping that is so key to his helmet, specifically whether to mould the Munny ears to serve that purpose. In the end, I went another route, and Force Commander retains his inner Munny.


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