Baron Karza
Name: Baron Karza
Origin Date: (Toy) 1977, (Comic) 1979
Completed Date: 09/2008
Base Figure: 4" White Munny
Really, I blame Nala. Sometime in 2008, he posted on a Micronaut acquisition which led me to discover the wonders that is innerspaceonline, which lead me to imagine putting together a series of munnies that could rival my G.I.Joe Series One Munny efforts.
And where to begin but with the big bad himself, Baron Karza. Chief Scientist Karza, scientifically and mystically bonded to a black suit of armour, it was he who drove Argon and Marionnette from power, introduced the dread body banks and fought against Commander Rann to continue his dark reign of home world.
Although I used the Mego toy for reference, I opted against the black and in favour of navy blue favoured by colourists for his primary colour. He is a lot of fun to put together.